Average Calculation

By default, the calculation method in each Performance Objectives gadget is set to 'Sum.' However, our app also supports Average calculation in six of its gadgets. You can switch from the default 'Sum' to 'Avg' in the Measure section of the configuration screen for the:

  1. Performance Objectives gadget

  2. Performance Trend gadget

  3. Circular gadget

  4. Heat Map gadget

  5. Tree Map gadget

  6. Venn Diagram gadget


The Average metric calculation can be derived from current data (the selected metric) or other metrics and data segments, including past time periods. This enables you to compute average metric results or establish specific performance targets that align with the average team performance.

Here’s a comparison of two charts: the first chart displays the Sum of Time Spent by Month (index), while the second chart shows the Average Calculation by Number of issues for the Time Spent by Month (index):

