Moving Average Calculation

Moving Average Calculation

By default, the calculation method in each Performance Objectives gadgets is set to 'Sum.' However, our app also supports Moving Average calculation (MA) in two of its gadgets. You can switch from the default 'Sum' to 'MA' in the Measure section of the configuration screen for the:

  1. Performance Objectives gadget

  2. Performance Trend gadget


You can choose to calculate the moving average based on all past segments, or if you select the "last" option, you can input a custom number for the last segments to calculate the moving average. Hover over the MA button to see a tooltip with calculation examples.

Compare the following three images. The first one shows the raw weekly sum of resolved issues. The second image displays the Moving Average of resolved issues by week, derived from all past segments. The third image illustrates the moving average of resolved issues by week, calculated over the last 7 weeks.
