Task Time Efficiency Report: 110% Compliance

Task Time Efficiency Report: 110% Compliance

Ensure that the total time spent on tasks does not exceed 110% of the original estimates. The gadget used for this report is Performance Trend gadget.





Step 1: In the data source, filter resolved issues from the desired time period and project you wish to analyze.

Step 2: Select the ‘Time Spent’ metric.

Step 3: Display by ‘Resolved’ by week.

Step 4: Switch from plain to cumulative mode.

Step 5: Turn on the target feature and select the % of Total target type.

Step 6: Select Per x-axis item target results and add the target value. In our case, it is 110% of the sum original estimate.

Step 7: Exceeding this target should be considered ‘Bad’.

Step 8: Optionally, under the more settings section, you can add a warning threshold and adjust the target label to 'Max'.




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