Basic Forecasting Report

Basic Forecasting Report



Step 1: Add two data sources. Data Source “A” must filter issues from a past period, while Data Source “B” should filter the issues for the current period for which you want to forecast.

Step 2: Keep the default metric “Number of issues,” but select Data Source “B” for it.

Step 3: Display the data by a date field that matches the one in your data source, and activate the “Show days by index” option. In our sample, we have chosen “Created” and specified “by Day,” but you may opt for week, month, quarter, or year.

In our sample, we have Stacked by ‘Issue type’, but please note that this step is optional.

Step 4: Turn on the Target feature and select “% of Avg.”

Step 5: Select “Moving Average” as the target type.

Step 6: For the target metric, choose Data Source “A.”

Step 7: Specify the number of successive segments based on which your target will be calculated. In our example, it is 3.




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