Average Worklog Time per Worklog Author

Average Worklog Time per Worklog Author

The gadget used for this report is the Performance Objectives gadget in Tiles view.


Step 1: Add data source encompassing ‘Work logged’ events from the time period you wish to analyze. In our sample it is Last Month.

Step 2: Select ‘Work log time (h)' metric.

Step 3: Switch from Sum to Average calculation and select ‘Work logged by Day’ for the calculation.

Step 4: Display by ‘Work log author’ field.

Step 5: Optionally, under the More Settings section, switch the default view from chart to tiles.

For an accurate calculation of average worklog time per working day, non-working days such as weekends and holidays should be excluded. To do so, activate “Exclude items with 0 metric values” feature when configuring the average calculation for “Work logged by day”



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