Breached TTR SLA - Max 10% per Assignee

Breached TTR SLA - Max 10% per Assignee




Step 1: Add two data sources.

  • Data Source “A”: Filter Resolved Issues from the project and time period you wish to analyze.

  • Data Source “B”: Copy Data Source “A”. Keep the filters but add a JQL "Time to resolution" = breached() to filter only issues with breached SLA time.

Step 2: Keep the default metric selection 'Number of issues. Select Data Source “B” for the metric calculation.

Step 3: Display by ‘Assignee’.

Step 4: Activate Target feature and select % Change target type.

Step 5: Choose “Per x-axis item” target results.

Step 6: Add percent target value (10% in our sample).

Step 7: Select Data Source “A” for the target metric.

Step 8: Under More Settings section activate a Warning Threshold and input percent value.

Step 9: Specify that exceeding this target (maximum) is considered Bad.




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